Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not P90X

Just a quick post not about P90X. Time for something refreshing.

I am asking all my followers to send me positive and calming thoughts for the morning on Thursday. I "get" to go take my every so often, never regular, polygraph exam that is associated with having the jobs I have had and currently enjoy. As some of you well know, these are NOT a pleasant experience, the examiners job is to make you feel guilty about EVERYTHING and try to find something wrong with you. If you come out smiling, they have not done their job well. So, in that vein, my weekend starts as soon as I am done with this fun and excitement of the morning. I'm thinking a nice hard workout in the morning, followed by a gallon of coffee should spike my blood pressure enough to add some fun to the stress and anxiety of the day. Then, I'm thinking maybe a second workout afterward may be in order to center myself before pool league in the evening. Don't expect a post tomorrow unless I find a need to bitch a bit and get it out of my system.

1 comment:

John Carmichael said...

Hey, just remember, that "Dress Thing" was not your idea!