Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 2

This morning was plyometrics. I'm pretty sure the name is derived from "metrics" meaning a measuring system and "plyo" meaning to ply the fibers of one's muscles from each other. Combined they refer to a torturous journey that takes pride in how far apart they can pry these muscle fibers from one another. That was one hellaciously fun and crazy workout. When Tony said, "...we're halfway through..." I almost fainted. I was reaching for the pause button to just say enough for one day, when they started the next exercise. I said to myself, "Self! Suck it up! Yes it hurts, but in a good way! Just do this!" So I did and made it through the hour.

Let me just say that it is a wonderful thing that shaving is not a precision task. Between my shaking legs from today's workout and very sore shoulders from yesterday's, I'm glad I don't use a straight razor, or I'd be short one juggler.

Woohoo! Day 2 is in the books! I'm getting into this love/hate relationship and feeling great!

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