Saturday, March 24, 2012


For those three of you following this, I apologize for missing Friday's post. Here's what happened. I got home from pool very late, so I decided to workout after work and sleep an extra hour. No problem so far. While at work, still early, I was very nauseous and had plenty of hours in, so I left Ill and came home. I then slept from 8:45 to 2:45. Man did that feel good. After that long nap I was pretty much spent, so I decided Friday would be my day off for the week instead of Sunday. So here I am at Saturday, having slept in until 8, now drinking my first cup of caffeine working out my plan for the day. Taxes are number one on the list, a workout is not far behind.

I slept with the window open for the first time in a while, that felt good. Getting ready to attack my day and leave behind a wake of chaos.

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