Saturday, March 17, 2012

That's a Week!!

It's 5:29 am on a Saturday morning. Sane people are still in be sleeping or some just getting home from a very late night out. But me, oh no, I am crazy good today! Alarm went off at 4, and I was so tempted to roll over for another hour. I was awake for an hour or so in the middle of the night so I wouldn't have blamed myself too much. Instead, I took a few deep breaths, rolled on out of bed and did the P90X KempoX workout. Lots of shadow boxing, kicks and punches, a great cardio workout with some shoulder and leg hammering in the midst. SWEET!

Now I'm drinking a protein shake listening to the coffee maker go through it's final throws of water through filter. What a great way to start a great day! John and I have a tee time at 8:42 this morning for 18 holes of golf in spring weather, mid 70's today. With this workout first, I should be primed and ready to whack that ball for the first of 2012. Then tonight, another party bus ride to Loveland to cheer on some friends while they dance and perform in a vaudevillian burlesque night of fun! Good thing tomorrow's workout is optional/stretching, I should be able to sleep in and still do well with that one.

I am feeling great, loving the motivation and endorphin rush, looking forward to progress in many life aspects.

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