Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ages Ago...

Ages ago in a land far far away an incredible event occurred. One that had happened similarly before and that would happen similarly again many times after, but this one time was unique. This event as it was, changed the world as we know it, has guided lives courses, inspired and enraged through the years. The event, you ask. A child was born on this day in 1966. This child grew up to become my best friend, one that so many of us can count on at any time. What we have is unique, as is what he gives to the rest of us. He is celebrating the event with his wife and some friends in Las Vegas. An event I was not able to attend, so with this note.....


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Great Day

Great looking day today. The plan is to nurse a sick son, Linda is getting a Pedicure with Ginger, I will mow the grass if it dries out enough, and will break out the rototiller in the planter box so we can add some more color and life to the back yard. Of course it may just be fodder for Huck's paws and jaws, we'll see. Time with the family before another business trip all next week. Have a great day yourself.