Saturday, November 30, 2013


I just wanted to say how much I love my coffee. First thing in the morning, mid afternoon pick me up, what have you. Nothing can compare to good coffee. As we all know, there is plenty of not-so-good (read: crappy) coffee out there, and we all have our own tastes. But, a GOOD cup of coffee can go a long way. Have a cup with a friend or a first date. Sit and read with a cup or watch the world go by. Yes, I am an addict, but we must all have our vices. Good coffee is one of mine.

Have yourself a GREAT day!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Not Feeling Well

Posting to keep the streak alive, but am not felling well this evening. Allergic reaction to shrimp being made in the cafeteria at work today I think. Oh well, benedryl and early bedtime isn't all bad.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has had their fill of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberries, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, apple pie, etc. I trust you have spent the day with loved ones (friends, family, or pets) and have said your many thanks for the things we say we are thankful for each year. Maybe you've got some parade and football watchin' done as well. Good for you!!!

BUT, let me stop you there...............we say the thanks, we hug the loved ones, we eat the food, but do we REALLY take those moments to cherish each other, what we have, where our choices in life have taken us? Are we on the journey we expected to be on, or have we ended up in new, different, exciting places? It is so easy to get caught up in the cooking, the chatting, the football, the company. I want you each to take at least 10 minutes today before you go to sleep. Take the time ALONE. No significant other along side you watching TV, no radio or TV distracting you, truly alone. Use the porcelain throne room if you need to, most folks don't barge in there on you. Now, when you are alone, reflect on life, the last year, the last 5-10 years, the last week. Truly reflect on YOUR life, not your kids lives or anyone else, just yours. Find the happy moments that take your breath away. Find the sad ones that still make you cry. Find the times when adventure worked in your favor and the adrenaline flowed. truly thankful for those moments, those parts of YOUR journey are yours and only yours, no one can take them away from you. Remember, life is the journey through time not the destination. Hop into your TARDIS if you have one, and go for a spin. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013



This is Winnipeg, you know, in Canada, the Great White North....So WHY do these people (I use the term loosely here) NOT know how to drive in the snow?!?!?!?!?

I live 6.8 miles from the office while I am here. Six Point Eight Miles.......It took me 2 hours and 10 minutes to get home after work today! I did not see any accidents holding up traffic, just AssHats who don't know how to drive!!!!!!!! And then, go figure, some of them decide it's still okay to PARK in the third lane while traffic is backed up for miles and kilometers and furlongs.......

DEEEEEEP Breath.......

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Week

I see a few posts throughout November with the “I am thankful for…” theme. Well, being one to buck the system, that is exactly NOT what this is. Instead, today, this post is for me to tell you what YOU should be thankful for. Here’s a list, be thankful dammit!

1.       Be thankful you have someone in your life to tell you what to be thankful for so you don’t have to think for yourself.
2.       Be thankful that you did not spill a cup of hot coffee in your lap this morning. THAT is a bad way to start the day.
3.       Be thankful that you are/were involved in your children’s lives (even if your children are of the furry four-legged variety).
4.       Be thankful that every once in a while you remember what it was like to be a kid and take the appropriate action (aka play).
5.       Be thankful that you don’t have to wait days for the Pony Express to get you this list, but have it from the comfort of your seat.
a.       By the way, this and the big turkey dinner coming up, is also why we are all getting fat……just sayin’
6.       Be thankful that YOU are YOU and that noone can make you be anyone else.
7.       Be thankful that you have a sense of humor……I know you do, or you would not be reading my blog……..Use it often!
8.       Finally, be thankful that this is the last item on this list………….now, turn off the computer and get active. I’m taking a walk in -25 deg C wind chill, you can do something.

Done and done

Monday, November 25, 2013

No Post Today

My apologies, not feeling the writing thing today, no post. Maybe more tomorrow.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Go Broncos!

I have not had the chance to see any Broncos games this season since I left for Canada, and what a season it is. One of the things I have not pulled the trigger on yet here is Television. Do I miss it, sure. Do I miss seeing the Football games? Sure. But, all is not lost. I have never been one to be held captive by the sporting event of the day, even though I do enjoy them.

Tonight's game, I will miss it. Oh well, not a big concern really. Sure, I could go out to a local sports bar and watch, but doing that alone feels more lonely than doing other things alone. Go Broncos! Beat the Patriots!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

What a BLAST!!

I had the BEST time last night! My first time ever curling, who would have thought it would be so much fun. My biggest fear going is was that I'd fall on my ass on the ice, or that I'd suck at it so badly I'd make a fool of myself. But I thought, what the heck, if I can't laugh at myself, then who can I really laugh at. The good news is that I did not fall and I was not half bad for my first time ever. Thank goodness the team I was on was not there to win, but to have a good time. We did, however, keep it close and only lost by 2 points.

The surface of the ice for curling is prepared with a texture similar to an orange peel, which gives the stone a better surface to slide on, and also gives those on it a better grip with their shoes. Except, with the slider shoe. I was able to use a strap-on slider made of teflon on my sliding foot when I shot, but, I was NOT the graceful slider. If you watch a video, you see then sliding along on a foot making the, not me, I essentially ended up on my knees (yes they are bruised now) within a few feet of pushing off, but I was able to get the stone on the right path with the right weight and spin to make it curl into the wanted position at least a few times. I was also able to sweep the ice to help the others' throws make it further.

We laughed, we drank beer, we threw stones.......I was invited back to spare for any of the other teams as well as the one I played on which was enough validation for me to think at least I didn't totally suck. Will I do it again? YES! Will I try to stay off my knees? YES, 'cause they hurt pretty good today. :-) The two hour match (time limited, we only played about 6 ends) went by very quickly as did the gathering post play in the bar for another drink. All indicators of a good time meeting new people, and trying something new and different. Go figure.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Good News!!

Wonderful news on the Carmichael front! Jo Carmichael got test results back showing no progression in the cancerous cells, so she gets to continue for another spell with no additional chemotherapy. If that is not good news, then I don't know what is. Thank-you John for sharing on Facebook throughout this turn in life and allowing us to share in the JOY of good news!!! The text from John's FB post is pasted below for those readers of mine who don't see them.

Word just in from Carmichael Corporate (Mom & Dad)... Mom's CT today (looking for any advancement in her neuroendocrine islet cell cancer -- after having taken the past 4 month off of her chemo treatment) came back showing no... rpt... NO progression in the cells! = 4 more months of no chemo for Mom!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Bet You Thought......

So I am betting those of you who see me on Facebook think today's post will be about my broken window in the truck. Nope, I am done with that for now. Instead, something completely different.

After hearing a hallway conversation a few days ago, I took the opportunity today to approach a woman at work with a specific conversation. I started with, "Did I hear you talking about curling the other day?" It turns out she is captain of a curling team that has some players from work and she recruited me to come be a sub on Friday evenings in their league. If nothing else, this gives me something to go out and do tomorrow night. There is beer, and then there is more beer, and she has two other rookies on her team, so it will all be fun and a learning experience. When in Rome one eats Italian, when in Canada in the winter, one curls or skates or ice fishes. The ice isn't thick enough yet for ice fishing, and the skates hurt my feet, so curling it is. Wish me luck!!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It Ends with a Challenge

For those dear readers that thought Monday’s was a serious post and that my day was really that bad, think again. It’s called humor folks, and I strive for at least some in EVERY day of my life. Lighten the mood, live life like it is fun, enjoy the journey, it all ends the same for each of us so break out and laugh. Laugh until you cry, laugh so hard yesterday’s milk comes out your nose, laugh like Tim H. and I do when we get those damn giggles…..those of you who have seen it know exactly what I mean.

Take a minute to cry every once in a while as well. Yes, I know, it’s really not manly to cry. I DON’T CARE! There are times when life tugs at my heart just right and the fountain starts. Give up your damnable pride and let it loose. Let water flow from your face because you are sad, hurt, overjoyed, elated, excited, tired, lonely, afraid, in love ……. whatever the reason.

Our society today frowns on being emotional. It is common to be on one mood modifying medication or another. I wonder what would happen if we all just took moments each day and let the joy, sadness, anger, fear, etc. fly free. Yes, there are appropriate times for each and often we need to maintain control during these times to ensure continued employment, marriage, etc. BUT, there are the other times we need to just let go of the control. Think how much better you would feel if you laughed every day, cried often, and let loose your anger. Free yourself from your emotions by letting go of the control for a few minutes each day. It’s okay to do it in private, and then put your mask back on before coming back out into the world. Just do it, at least once a day, for a week, and see how much better you feel. This, my faithful readers, is my challenge to you…………give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Proud Dad!

I am a proud father! I have two wonderful sons who are continually complimented to me by other adults. I do blame this mostly on their mother since I was the work-aholic absent dad for way too much of their earlier years. Now, alas, I am even more absent and absolutely hate that I can’t be there for evenings like tonight.

Tonight my son Danny, the consummate musician by any standard, has his school concert performances. He will play in the Wind Ensemble, the Jazz Band, and one of my favorites, a Jazz Combo. The Jazz combo is just a group of students (4-6) who decided they wanted to play together at the concert. They are student directed and a real treat to watch and listen to. This is year 2 of the Combo and they have some turnover from last year as two members graduated, but Danny said to me recently that he wants to keep the combo going as a legacy thing, bring in new talent each semester, and pass the baton as life moves forward.

Thankfully, tonight, Linda will video record the performances and post them on You Tube for me to see, but it’s really not the same as being there. Watching him grow as a performer, from being a bit shy playing his first ever solo, to taking the spotlight and thriving in it has been a source of joy for me. I love you Danny, have fun tonight!!!