Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Week

I see a few posts throughout November with the “I am thankful for…” theme. Well, being one to buck the system, that is exactly NOT what this is. Instead, today, this post is for me to tell you what YOU should be thankful for. Here’s a list, be thankful dammit!

1.       Be thankful you have someone in your life to tell you what to be thankful for so you don’t have to think for yourself.
2.       Be thankful that you did not spill a cup of hot coffee in your lap this morning. THAT is a bad way to start the day.
3.       Be thankful that you are/were involved in your children’s lives (even if your children are of the furry four-legged variety).
4.       Be thankful that every once in a while you remember what it was like to be a kid and take the appropriate action (aka play).
5.       Be thankful that you don’t have to wait days for the Pony Express to get you this list, but have it from the comfort of your seat.
a.       By the way, this and the big turkey dinner coming up, is also why we are all getting fat……just sayin’
6.       Be thankful that YOU are YOU and that noone can make you be anyone else.
7.       Be thankful that you have a sense of humor……I know you do, or you would not be reading my blog……..Use it often!
8.       Finally, be thankful that this is the last item on this list………….now, turn off the computer and get active. I’m taking a walk in -25 deg C wind chill, you can do something.

Done and done

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