Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It Ends with a Challenge

For those dear readers that thought Monday’s was a serious post and that my day was really that bad, think again. It’s called humor folks, and I strive for at least some in EVERY day of my life. Lighten the mood, live life like it is fun, enjoy the journey, it all ends the same for each of us so break out and laugh. Laugh until you cry, laugh so hard yesterday’s milk comes out your nose, laugh like Tim H. and I do when we get those damn giggles…..those of you who have seen it know exactly what I mean.

Take a minute to cry every once in a while as well. Yes, I know, it’s really not manly to cry. I DON’T CARE! There are times when life tugs at my heart just right and the fountain starts. Give up your damnable pride and let it loose. Let water flow from your face because you are sad, hurt, overjoyed, elated, excited, tired, lonely, afraid, in love ……. whatever the reason.

Our society today frowns on being emotional. It is common to be on one mood modifying medication or another. I wonder what would happen if we all just took moments each day and let the joy, sadness, anger, fear, etc. fly free. Yes, there are appropriate times for each and often we need to maintain control during these times to ensure continued employment, marriage, etc. BUT, there are the other times we need to just let go of the control. Think how much better you would feel if you laughed every day, cried often, and let loose your anger. Free yourself from your emotions by letting go of the control for a few minutes each day. It’s okay to do it in private, and then put your mask back on before coming back out into the world. Just do it, at least once a day, for a week, and see how much better you feel. This, my faithful readers, is my challenge to you…………give it a try and let me know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

That is my mantra...
To be myself and to honor my truth. Everything else will follow regardless.

Anonymous said...
