Friday, November 15, 2013

Fry Dei

Today dear readers I plan to take you on a journey, please try to keep up as the random thoughts bouncing through my head go splat when they escape through my fingers and hit the screen. Dad, I apologize now for the lack of transitions in what is to come…..this will not resemble those rules of writing taught in High School English. I am going free form here…………Buckle your seat belts folks and enjoy the ride.

This magical mystery tour begins with a glimpse into my psyche; or not……..maybe that will come later.

I am a very patient man, but there are times when said patience runs out, and then I am in the boat I sit in today. DO NOT make me ask my questions a THIRD time! Or is it the fourth?!?! The level of scatology these tests will be is directly related to you knowing the answers and communicating them to me. Soon the bovine excrement of the male persuasion that is your excuse will make contact with the rotating turbine thereby ensuring we have scattered scat splattered flat on the wall.

When Little Red Riding Hood saw the Big Bad Wolf, was it the same Wolf that the Bacon Trio played house with?

Instead of “The Man” demanding we all carry a tracking device, we now pay extra to ensure it also lets him read our email, know what songs we like, and see what we told our “friends on Facebook” we had for dinner.

If one plus one is two. And if two plus two is four. What is four plus four? ............... eight, Geez!

If you’re halfway through a book and go see the movie, does it ruin the ending for the book or the beginning for the movie?

Tomorrow is November 16. That is 39 days before Christmas. Go ahead, check my math, I’ll wait. Ok? Good. So WHY Santa is coming tomorrow in the parade here in Winnipeg? NOT YET!!!! At least wait until December please. Gaaaaah!!

To quote Bill the Cat…..”ACK!”


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