Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Yet Another Wednesday

The one thing I have found of myself here in Canada is that I do not seek out the news as much as I should. With that in mind, I have absolutely no knowledge of what is happening in the world this week. It feels weird to realize this. I like to stay informed, at least a little deeper than the surface for most things, but in this new world I have made for myself I find I am ambivalent. I am not happy with this turn of events nor the attitude I have thrown over my shoulders and carry these days.

I have a birthday coming up, not one of those major milestones, just another birthday. I don't get a fussed up about birthdays anymore, especially my own, and I miss that. Time for this ole cowpoke to find a new smile, a new attitude, and  to remember to enjoy each and every day the good Lord has given me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday--hope you can smile about something today.