Friday, November 22, 2013

Good News!!

Wonderful news on the Carmichael front! Jo Carmichael got test results back showing no progression in the cancerous cells, so she gets to continue for another spell with no additional chemotherapy. If that is not good news, then I don't know what is. Thank-you John for sharing on Facebook throughout this turn in life and allowing us to share in the JOY of good news!!! The text from John's FB post is pasted below for those readers of mine who don't see them.

Word just in from Carmichael Corporate (Mom & Dad)... Mom's CT today (looking for any advancement in her neuroendocrine islet cell cancer -- after having taken the past 4 month off of her chemo treatment) came back showing no... rpt... NO progression in the cells! = 4 more months of no chemo for Mom!


Anonymous said...

Rejoicing with you, too. M&D

John Carmichael said...

Thank you Stu! Everyones' support throughout this journey has been a Godsend.