Sunday, November 17, 2013


I was a tastin my first cup of go juce this mornin and took me a gander out the ole see throo glass thingy aside me. Thars a white crap all over the floor of the earth and them thar new fangled atoe-mobeels as well. It appears some momma's bottle o butt powder spilt then made like rabbits and all-a-sudden we gots up in to about 3 of them big numbers on my daddy's measurin tape. Billy-Bob wood be tellin his lady friends that thar is 6 inches (but theys all knowin that aint rite). I be hopin that fokes here in this ole town knows how to be drivin in the slick so's I can be gettin to wheres I wanna be. Best bee werein my boots tday so my under soks stays dry. Y'all take care now.


Anonymous said...

You are hilarious ;)

Anonymous said...

Wish I could hear them there werds straight from yer face!

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious ;)