Sunday, December 08, 2013

Not Sure

I stopped telling Facebook that I posted, so I'm not sure if anyone is actually reading these or not. Oh well, won't stop me from writing them.

The big news is temperature, bitter cold here and back home in Denver. Bitter bitter bitter cold. I am not as tough as I once thought I was, so I stayed inside most of the weekend. But, I did get out a bit today for groceries, etc. and yes, it was frikking cold out there. my truck thermometer said -14F when it struggled to turn over, but did. My cold induced asthma said, get the heck back inside, quick, wheeze wheeze wheeze.

Here's hoping the battery will support a start of the truck tomorrow morning in the bitterness of the cold.


Anonymous said...

Indeed I am reading... however Blogger was on the fritz the past coupla...


Anonymous said...

We are reading it every day. Thanks for writing. We had to have our pipes thawed today. The temp went down to -8 last night, maybe up to 12 today. Brrrrr! for sure.