Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Single Digits

Counting the days ....... My last day of work here in Winnipeg is in 9 days. Not 9 working days, 9 calendar days, woohoo! My motivation is waning as I try to clean a few things up, back off the level of support to one group that has started relying on my too heavily, and transition a project to a new project manager. The catch, I still don't know who this other project manager is, so in 9 days the project will just sit on the floor for a while, then start to move a little while someone new tries to get up to speed, and finally get moving again. They will have to go through getting a contract together and paying my company if they want real support from me on it from afar. Me thinks they need to get on the ball and assign someone the project if they want any of my time to transition. No real vesting in the project for me once I leave, it either completes or it doesn't, thus is the life of a contractor at the end of his contract.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're with you. Can't get back to Colorado soon enough!!!