Friday, January 19, 2007

Why do I Feel Guilty?

So today is the second day in a row that I have stayed home sick from work. I have a bug that is agravating my asthma, fogging my brain, making me tired, making my body ache, etc. So I am taking a couple of days for me, and to try to feel better. The question is, "why do I feel guilty?"

Why do I feel guilty that...
1. I am not getting anything productive done around the house?
2. other people have to cover tests for me at work, as I have done for them in the past, and will again in the future?
3. that I slept for 14 hours the other night, and after trying to get up and go into work this morning, I went back to bed for 3 more hours?
4. that when I feel even a little bit better I don't think about trying to take care of item 1 or getting to work for item 2?

I will admit that in general I don't take the time I need for me, and to stay healthy, so I think when I do take that time, like now, my guilt button gets pushed.

I'm off to drink more fluids (although I'm not sure what else I would be doing with them) get some rest (there's nothing on tv during the day worth watching) and try to ignore the nagging guilts.


Tom said...

Western Civilization programs us to feel guilty for not "producing" in the workforce.

Take care of yourself, feel better, the real desire to get back to your job (that I know you enjoy) will come when ready.

Oh, and rent the entire series of "Firefly" on DVD to watch while you're sick. Trust me on this.

Take care bud!

Anonymous said...

Slacker! God knows you never put in any effort at anything you do! Jeez!

Dude! Don't sweat it! Feel better!

Anonymous said...

This is your Dad. Thanks for the note. Guilt always comes when you are not doing what your culture has programmed you to do . . . like say I'M SORRY when you're not . . . or I REALLY MISSED YOU . . . when you didn't , etc. Keep on drinking fluids and getting rest. This lethargy, too, will pass.
