Monday, February 12, 2007


Most (if not all) of you that know me, and not many others read this I'm pretty sure, know that I battle chronic pain. I can honestly say that I don't remember my last pain free day. But, the problem, as I see it, is not the pain in itself, but my attitude toward the pain and how I have let it affect me and my life and my relationships. So, on that note, as I battle a terrifically painful evening, I want to take a moment and apologize to each of you. In the past I have taken the easy way out and used my pain as an excuse, a crutch, a way to justify my being grouchy or just in a bad mood. I cannot promise that I will not continue with some of these at times, but I wanted to say to each of you that I will try to change my attitude toward the pain and my life with it. I have not been a happy or pleasant person to be around for a while now, and my goal with this public statement is to change that, starting NOW.

Thank-you all for staying by me as I have struggled with this, and continue to do so. I appreciate each and every one of you.


Tom said...

Stu, I think between you, John, and myself we'd be hard pressed to build a Frankenstein of a person that didn't have some malfunctioning parts! I need to come down to Sunday pool and raise a Guinness with you, it's been too long. Take care buddy.

Anonymous said...


Tape an aspirin to it and shut up!

Actually, yeah... you've bitched a few times, but hell you haven't been that big of a pain in the ass!

I've dated worse! And she couldn't even blame her foot! Come to think of it... she generally blamed me!

Some things never change!

So does this mean we'll be playing Racquetball next week?

Anonymous said...

Fantastic post..thanks!!

Rocket Spanish