Monday, December 08, 2008


Pain is relative. Each of us has our own threshold of pain tolerance. What I find bothersome may to others be debilitating, yet what others find bothersome could knock me down for days. But, I firmly believe that the ones who have it the hardest are the ones who support someone in pain. I was reminded yesterday how much Linda does for me and how helpless she can feel. Yesterday Linda hurt her back. Not just a little twinge, but a knock-me-down, I can’t stand up; I can barely get myself to and onto the toilet kind of hurt. The last time she hurt her back like this was when Daniel was only a few months old. That time the doctors found she had a bulging disc. I am dong what I can to help, which as I am remembering now, isn’t much other than getting things and giving support. Not the way I wanted to be reminded how much she does for me when my pain hits me hard. Ouch.

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