Saturday, April 19, 2008


I went skiing yesterday with my friends Barb and Mary. Barb, as most of you are aware, is the president of the Lockheed Martin Ski club and likes to ski hard and bumps and black runs. However she decided to slow down for Mary and me yesterday. We lost Mary 2 runs in after lunch as Barb and I headed off to explore a part of the mountain that Mary has bad memories of. We did some steep blues, groomed and not and then a couple of black runs as well, one of which I completed on my back-side with my skis in hand. I was beat by then, but alas, I did not want to give up, so we hit a couple more runs. The one that did me in completely was the steep blue run that looked like a bunch of buried VW bugs spaced randomly through the run, but not very far apart. Let me put it this way, I have NEVER skied bumps before and my legs were nearing the jello stage, I was not happy with my results. So, I took the bailout off the side of the run and got to the bottom without collapsing, but only barely. Today, I am paying the price, my legs hurt and are weak, along with my back and ankles. I try not to complain, as I did it to myself and I had a great time doing it, but it's not going to be fun this weekend having to mow the lawn for the first time this season with legs like they are right now.

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