Monday, April 10, 2006

Long Time

I know ,I know, it's been a long time since my last post. I've gotten a number of complaints from my few readers regarding this and I am hereby pledging to them that I will try harder to get to this machine and post something more often.

My last post was quite a rant about work. As I continue to tell everyone, I love my job, I love what I do. I am still, however, having issues with trouble employees that I only "own" part time. But enough whining.

Just a quick note about respect today, as it applies to me, my work, and my life. I try to take the tack of treating everyone with respect and professionally, especially in the work place. I see a lot of people who choose to take a different tack, using emotion and whining and threats to try to get what they want while they try to make their new world fit into their old box. What I say to them is; open your minds people. You might learn something, and together we might actually accomplish great things. Keep your mind closed and we'll never advance. More to come.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere mang. In the company you work for, can't you just have these trouble, "liquidated"? Just playing. :-p