Friday, April 23, 2021


 No thought at all on where this may go, just rambling along with my fingers on the keyboard. I got my 2nd COVID shot a week ago today, no major reactions, hoping like crazy it will do what we all hope it will. Dinner with my sons and soon to be daughter-in-law last night, great to see them, love spending time with them, even short visits around food and the television.

Work is crazy, some changes afoot I fear, some initiated by me, hoping to make things better for us all.

Enough for now - early afternoon ramblings end.

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Just another day

 WOW - what a day! Overall a good one, some great conversations with people I care about, and some accomplishments at work as well. Next is dinner with a DEAR DEAR friend, some time to catch up, and work on each other's motivation issues.

 April 1, 2021 - A new day, a day to make mine, to own, to make as good as I possibly can.

I'm trying to bring a new attitude to work these days as I find motivation waning. It doesn't help that in the last month I have 2 separate blows to what I perceived as my future there. No specifics, suffice it to say, I'll continue with what I am doing now for a while longer. Perhaps I've made myself too indispensable. I certainly put in far too much time and energy for the lack of growth potential they show me. It's not in my nature to do just adequate work, but, it may be time to start.