How ‘bout them …….. Nope.
Did you see tha ……. Nope.
Can you believe how ……. Nope.
I am not going to go there, not today.
Oh dear blogosphere, I have been negligent in my postings of
late, flat on my ass. No excuses, no explanations, just didn’t write or post.
Am I going to try to get back at this? Yes. Am I going to get back to posting
every day? Probably not.
One of the things I have committed to myself is to try to
keep this blog full of positive themes, humor, and fun. Well, that is part of
the issue with posting every day, I do not always have something along those
veins to write about. I think this cold dark winter in Canada away from all my
friends and especially my sons is taking a toll on my life outlook and finding
the positive in the day is a struggle right now. BUT, as I said, that is NOT
the type of blog I want this to be, at all, any longer. So I will endeavor to
bring my happy face, put on my humor hat, and type out some fun.
Shall we begin?
Nope…….not today.